பாலர் மலர் செர்ரிபுரூக்/ஹார்ன்சபி – Balar Malar Cherrybrook/Horsnby
பாலர் மலர் செர்ரிபுரூக்
John Purchase Public School
Purchase Rd
Cherrybrook NSW 2126
02 72262345 ext 2
Class timing:
2 pm – 5 pm Saturdays ( NSW School term days)
Balar Malar Tamil School is the pioneer Tamil school in Australia. Started in 1977 as week-end sessions organized by language enthusiasts, it has now grown into 6 branches spread throughout NSW, and Hornsby Branch is one among them.
Balar Malar Tamil School operates under the auspices of the New South Wales Federation of Community Language Schools (NSWFCLS) and is also a member of the New South Wales Federation of Tamil Language Schools (NSWFTS).